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Y Salon
Eldon Garden, Newcastle
(0191) 230 1010

Volumising Techniques

Blonde modelVolumising & forming techniques can give hair body, movement and control. Gone are the days when we did just traditional perming where you had very little choice. Today's women and men require much more than this due to the busy lifestyle we all lead. We want our hair to look good and be hassle free.

Today's curling techniques have been revolutionised by using specialist volumising and forming lotions for every type of need and hair structure. They work together with individual curling tools to get the desired effect. You may require a specific area to be redirected i.e. fringe, crown or ends of hair only. You may like a style support system to assist other styling techniques or that you can also wash & wear.

We also have a volumisisng system which washes out of the hair in 6 weeks. Animatics is perfect for those who do not want a permanent commitment.

All of this and more can be achievable whatever you hair type and condition and what's more forming lotions today leave you hair in super condition.

For further information you can e mail, telephone or call into the salon for advice on your required forming system




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