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Y Salon
Eldon Garden, Newcastle
(0191) 230 1010


Redhead modelColour today does not have to be a total commitment. There are lots of exciting new products on the market to suit all clients needs and desires.

Colour can be used to help define shape and add interest to great haircuts.you can use it to create an illusion of having thicker or finer hair than you already have. it can be permanent or semi-permanent L'Oreal Majieral or Dia-colour. Make it fun and bright with Composite or you can be subtle or toning, it is not a problem. Then again a sunkissed look may be right for you flashes of honey colours gently highlight your hair, you could be bold and daring if we use Maji Meche and it takes less than 15 minutes, great if time is not on your side.

Colours today can be combined to create some wonderful effects and all have fantastic conditioning properties. Whatever your look I'm sure we have the answer. So why not give us a call or e mail us, better still you can always pop along to the salon.




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